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Adriana Mazzarella was born in Naples (Italy) in 1925. She moved to Milan (Italy) as a child with her family, and there she spent all her life, until she passed away in February 2015. Adriana graduated as a physician, pediatrician and eventually obtained a degree as a junghian psychotherapist. Since 1980 she has been a member of CIPA (Centro Italiano di Psicologia Analitica) and of IAAP (International Association of Analytical Psychology). As a disciple and follower of Dora Kalff, the creator of the Sand Play Therapy, Adriana Mazzarella was a member founder and a training analyst of AISPT (Associazione Italiana per la Sandplay Therapy) and a member of ISST (International Association for Sand Play Therapy). She encountered Dante’s poetry as a young girl and since then she developed a passion for the Divine Comedy and Dante’s deep psychological knowledge. Throughout her life she has embarked on a profound innovative research into the Divine Comedy’s symbolic analysis. This has created a great interest among experts and academics in Italy and abroad.